The JOY of not riding that horse…
When, at long last, the dream of all dreams peeked through, a burgeoning love of horses in my daughter, I ran to the bank with it. Lessons turned into leases, and if your daughter is riding, you should too, right?! My return to riding enthusiasm runneth over! There he was, a bay beauty who needed some experienced rider hours to “dust the rust” and become lesson horse du jour, a vision of blue ribbon dreams, AND he was sweet…
As the months wore on, something wasn’t right. Though beautifully sensitive and malleable, he was prone to scoots, spooks, freak-outs, and fits. I managed to be the cause of my daughter’s first fall, my horse spooking hers, and then her subsequent three falls. Then I fell…Yet I pressed on; I’ve been at this riding thing for almost 40 years! Now it was about my ego; I CAN ride this horse, nothing has changed since my “ride-anything” days of my 20ies! There’s the trap. I didn’t see the JOY in not riding that horse. Since then, I’ve met so many others in the trap. On the other side are horses you don’t have to worry about. They enjoy the work and the time you spend with them. They thrive and excel as you dust off your rust and become an even better rider than before! As time went on you and I got more patient, more curious, and open-minded, and as quickly as we could let our ego get in the way, we could embody the wisdom we’ve gained and realize we don’t care what other people think, we just love riding! Loving riding is exactly what’s on the other side. You’ll feel like you’re in your 20ies again! Your mount might be a horse you considered beneath you in your younger years. Maybe not up to the quality or pedigree that you had favored. Too old to possibly be interesting.
Today my absolute favorite ride is Shady. He’s in his 20ies, impeccably trained, forward, and sweet. While safe enough for a child, he is so much more than a gentle soul. He has so many buttons you can press with delightful results, an enthusiastic learner, he rides like throwing on your favorite jacket, the world is your oyster. To what corner of Equestria do you want to adventure? He’s game! So, if I can help you see the joy in not riding that horse, I have several that WILL bring you the JOY of riding! Half and whole leases available for Shady and others, with a license to enjoy riding included! Message me for details.